Why Seeing Ants In Your Home In The Winter Could Mean

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Why Seeing Ants In Your Home In The Winter Could Mean

Carpenter ants typically become more active in the spring and summer months when the weather is warmer. However, there could be several reasons why you’re observing carpenter ants in January:

  1. Mild Winter Weather: If the winter temperatures are unusually mild, it could trigger early ant activity. Carpenter ants are more active in warmer conditions.
  2. Indoor Nests: Carpenter ants might have established nests inside structures, such as homes, where the temperature is more stable. This allows them to be active even during colder months.
  3. Seeking Food: If there is a food source available, carpenter ants may become active earlier. They could be foraging for food within your home or nearby.
  4. Colony Growth: Large colonies of carpenter ants may have matured and grown to a size where some individuals are active year-round.

If you are concerned about carpenter ants in your home, it’s advisable to inspect for potential nesting sites and address any conditions that may be attracting them. If the issue persists, consulting with Go Green Pest Control to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner