Monthly Archive March 17, 2022

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Carpenter Ant Infestation

Delta is a large sand pile that ants love, especially carpenter ants. These ants prefer to invade wet and rotting wood that has been softened by fungus and are often associated with moisture problems. When you have carpenter ants the only external sign of an infestation other than the presence of workers (all female like a sisterhood) is the appearance of small perfectly round holes on the surface of wood. Through these exit holes, the ants eject wood frass, which consists of sawdust and parts of dead sisters. The build-up of this frass below the holes is a excellent indication of an active carpenter ant infestation.  

Carpenter Ant Infestation

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Pest Extermination

Pest control can be exasperating and while you might consider doing it yourself, it is best left to the professionals. Delta bugs can be a unrelenting problem with property owners. Instead of grabbing a handful of pesticides, insecticides and rodenticides from your local hardware store, consider this first, the government has restricted the use of chemicals and their potency, so you maybe wasting your money. If you do use these products and need to reapply the chemicals, the toxic levels can impact your family and pets. A pro usually eliminates bugs in one treatment even if the infestation is severe. Professionals in pest control service use the most beneficial method to deal with pests based on their severity and label application rates.

Pest Extermination

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Squirrels Vs. Rats – Their Diseases and Who’s Worst

Some people call squirrels – big eyed rats with fussy tails, others call rats – baby squirrels that haunt the night. I say they are rodents that transmit diseases. Both rodents can carry the plague – yes the one from the medieval ages, the deadliest infectious disease. Squirrels are also know to transmit tularemia ( very high fatality rate), typhus and ringworm through bites or other forms of direct contact, like feces. Then there are rats, these little night devils can carry even more diseases including hantavirus, leptospirosis, lymphocytic choriomeningitis, and salmonella. So you ask which one of these vermin is worst when it comes down to transmitting diseases, well on a scale of 10, rats are 9/10 and squirrels are 8/10 (mostly because the high fatality rate of tularemia).…s-and-whos-worst/

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Effective Pest Control – In a Couple Easy Steps

In Delta, year around pest issues are common because of our mild winters, insects like: sugar ants, silverfish, cockroaches, flies, spiders and bed bugs just don’t go dormant.  Pest control specialists don’t just resolve current pest problems, they can also foil future problems with a treatment program. First, maintain an outdoor barricade. You should maintain a 10 meter barrier to keep outside pests from getting close to your home, this may included cutting back shrubs and trees form the house and spraying the perimeter of your house. And finally, treating the interior only if you have an obvious insect infestation. This involves the application of a insecticide along the floorboards of your home.…ouple-easy-steps/

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Germ-Free Home – Eliminate Pests

Regardless if you clean your home like a pro or have someone else do it, it still helps to hire a pest control company to inspect your house for mice, rats, squirrels, and insects. Silverfish, spiders, ants and other bugs can hide under baseboards, cabinets and in the crawlspace or attic. Our chaotic weather that’s too wet or too cold motivates rodents in from outdoors, and with them comes viruses, germs and disease. An annual inspection can safeguard your home from mice, rats, squirrels, silverfish, spiders, ants and other pests. Our specialists at Go Green Pest Control can keep your home free from all these pests and more.   

Germ-Free Home – Eliminate Pests