Why are Skunks in your Yard ! ? !

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Why are Skunks in your Yard ! ? !

Skunks may be attracted to your yard for various reasons, and keeping them away involves addressing those factors. Here are some common reasons why skunks might be in your yard and ways to deter them:

  1. Food Sources:
    • Garbage: Ensure that your garbage cans are tightly sealed, as skunks are attracted to food scraps.
    • Pet Food: If you have outdoor pets, don’t leave their food bowls outside overnight.
  2. Gardens and Lawns:
    • Grubs: Skunks feed on insects, especially grubs. If you have a lawn, treat it for grubs to reduce their presence.
  3. Shelter:
    • Under Decks or Porches: Skunks often seek shelter under decks or porches. Seal off these areas to prevent access.
  4. Secure Structures:
    • Fencing: Install a fence around your property to keep skunks out. Make sure it extends below the ground to prevent them from digging underneath.
  5. Natural Repellents:
    • Citrus Peels: Skunks dislike the smell of citrus. Placing citrus peels in your yard may deter them.
    • Ammonia: Soak rags in ammonia and place them in areas where skunks frequent. However, be cautious as ammonia has a strong odor.
  6. Motion-Activated Lights or Sprinklers:
    • Skunks are nocturnal, and they often prefer dark areas. Installing motion-activated lights or sprinklers can startle them and discourage their presence.
  7. Professional Assistance:
    • If the skunk problem persists, consider contacting Go Green Pest Control 778-886-4111

Remember to check local regulations before attempting to trap or relocate skunks, as it may require a permit in some areas. Additionally, it’s important to approach the situation with caution, as skunks can spray if they feel threatened.

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner