Why are City Raccoons considered to be Pests

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Why are City Raccoons considered to be Pests

Raccoons are considered pests primarily because of their behavior and the problems they can cause when they come into close proximity with humans. Here are a few reasons why raccoons are often seen as pests:

  1. Property Damage: Raccoons are known for their ability to cause damage to property. They can tear through roofs, siding, and screens while trying to gain access to attics, chimneys, or crawl spaces. Their strong paws and dexterous fingers allow them to manipulate objects, leading to potential damage to gardens, garbage bins, and outdoor structures.
  2. Garbage and Food Source Raids: Raccoons are highly opportunistic and have adapted to urban environments. They are notorious for rummaging through garbage cans and compost bins in search of food. Their scavenging behavior can result in messes and scattered debris.
  3. Disease Transmission: Raccoons can carry various diseases, including raccoon roundworm, leptospirosis, and rabies. Their feces can also pose health risks to humans and pets if not handled properly.
  4. Garden and Crop Damage: Raccoons are omnivorous and can cause damage to gardens, lawns, and crops. They may dig up lawns in search of insects, eat fruits and vegetables, or damage ornamental plants.
  5. Nuisance and Noise: Raccoons can create a nuisance by making noise during the night, especially if they have taken up residence in attics or crawl spaces. Their vocalizations and movements can disturb sleep and cause stress for homeowners.

It’s important to approach raccoon issues with caution, as they are wild animals and can become aggressive if cornered or feel threatened. If you’re experiencing raccoon-related problems, it’s advisable to contact a professional wildlife removal service or local animal control for assistance.

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner