Mice – Rats and Colo Colo – a giant malevolent rat creature.

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Mice – Rats and Colo Colo – a giant malevolent rat creature.

Pests, including mice, rats and the Colo, can be a common nuisance in many households. If you’re dealing with a pest issue, it’s essential to take appropriate measures to address it. Here’s some information on dealing with these pests:

  1. Mice and Rats and the Colo:
    • Identification: Mice are small rodents with long tails and large ears, while rats are larger and have a more robust appearance.
    • Prevention: To prevent infestations, seal cracks and holes in your home, store food in airtight containers, and maintain a clean environment.
    • Traps and Baits: You can use snap traps, glue traps, or live traps to catch mice and rats. Bait them with food like peanut butter or cheese.
    • Professional Pest Control: If the problem persists, consider contacting Go Green Pest Control
    • Colo Colo, the Giant Malevolent Rat Creature: 
    • It seems that “Colo Colo” is both a real-life pest and a fictional or mythological creature.  The Colo Colo or Colocolo is an evil rat-like creature from Mapuche. The marsupial monito del monte is sometimes called “colocolo” due to its similarity with the mythical beast. The Colo Colo’s aspects differ slightly according to which zone of Chile. In Mapuche the Colo Colo has a serpent form with legs, similar to a long rat. Whereas in the south of Chile, the Huilliche culture represents them as a long mouse with the head similar to a head of a rooster.
      The Colo Colo are born from an egg that was incubated by a “rooster”. Commonly living in the corners or cracks of houses; the malignant creature would be identified as living in the home by listening for an animal that cries like a new born baby.

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner