Managing Skunk, Raccoon and Crow Damage to Lawns

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Managing Skunk, Raccoon and Crow Damage to Lawns

To manage skunk and raccoon and crow damage to lawns, particularly caused by their search for grubs there are several strategies you can employ:

  1. Assessment of Grub Population: Start by assessing the population of white grubs in the soil. You can do this by inspecting nearby undamaged areas or areas that have previously shown signs of grub damage. If the grub population is low, no treatment may be necessary, until it is. Once the pests start tearing up your lawn there is no relief. 
  2. Grub Control: If the grub population is high enough to attract skunks and raccoons for feeding, consider implementing grub control measures. There are various methods for controlling grubs, including biological controls.   
  3. Physical Barriers: Install physical barriers to deter skunks and raccoons from digging up the lawn. This could include installing lawn mesh barriers around the perimeter of the lawn or covering vulnerable areas with wire mesh or netting.
  4. Scare Tactics: Use scare tactics to frighten skunks and raccoons away from the lawn. This could involve using motion-activated lights or sprinkler systems, playing loud country western noises or using strong scents that these animals find unpleasant.

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner