Just Get Rid of these Flies

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Just Get Rid of these Flies

Locating and eliminating the food and breeding source is the key to a long-term solution for flies that can impact our health. Here are some interesting facts:

-They can taste with their feet.

-They defecate a lot and spread a range of diseases.

– House flies can walk upside down.

– Flies are able to see behind themselves.

– The lifespan of a house fly about a month long, but a female can lay over 500 eggs in the short time.

– A house fly only lives for around 30 days.  

– House flies have amazing reaction times processing around 250 images in a single second.

– Male house flies have a specific region within their eye called the “love spot” that stays locked onto potential mates during aerial pursuit.

– Fly population under the right circumstances can go from 1 to 65,000,000 in 30 days.   

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner