How to get rid of woodpeckers – pecking your house?

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

How to get rid of woodpeckers – pecking your house?

Sure thing! To deter woodpeckers from pecking your house, you can try a few methods:

  1. Reflective objects: Hang reflective objects, like old CDs or aluminum foil strips, near the affected area. The movement and reflections can scare away woodpeckers.
  2. Visual deterrents: Install scarecrow-like devices or decoys of owls or predatory birds. This might make woodpeckers think there’s a threat nearby.
  3. Noise deterrents: Play recorded predator calls or loud noises around the area. Woodpeckers are generally scared off by the sound of potential threats.
  4. Protective barriers: Cover the affected area with hardware cloth or bird netting. Ensure it’s not directly against the house, so the woodpeckers can’t reach the surface to peck.
  5. Repellents: There are commercial woodpecker repellents available. These often use a combination of taste and odor to deter birds from pecking.

Remember to check local regulations, as some methods may be subject to restrictions.

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner