Ok, you keep your house clean and uncluttered, you maintain the your yard and nothing is overgrown or touching your house. Repairs are always made to any holes and cracks in walls, windows and screens. So why is it that you still get pest in your attic. Not only can pests keep you up at night, but they can cause property damage and health problems. So here are a few pests that like to use your attic as a hotel. Squirrels love to build nests in attics, especially in breeding season. They also leave behind, body dust, feces and urine, which can cause damage or transmit disease. Bats live in colonies and once they discover attic they usually stick around all year. Bats can carry diseases and their feces can cause illness. Mice and rats also carry many diseases and like to urinate and defecate everywhere they go. These rodents also like to chew through wood, siding, wires and drywall. Once a raccoons gets on a roof they typically sneak through soffit material or roofing materials. Raccoons leave behind waste, carry disease and may cause damage to your home.
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