It’s that season again where spiders start coming inside looking for mates, warmth and food – other insects. If you’re afraid of spiders, and most people are, here are some tips to keep them outside where they belong. We have 64 common spiders in B.C. but here are the main ones: Wolf Spiders, Brown Recluse, Sheet Web Weaver, Jumping Spider, Crab Spider, Daddy Long-Legs, Black Widow, Hobo Spider and the Tarantula. House spiders grow in numbers when egg sacs are carried in on furniture or building materials. From there, they mate and generally live in or under the same house throughout their entire life. Here is how to get rid of spiders.
1. Move garbage cans away from the house, flies around garbage’s attract spiders.
2. Turn off outdoor lights, they attract insect and therefore spiders.
3. Grow eucalyptus around your house, they don’t like it.
4. Spray vinegar around the house and especially in small crevices around your home.
5. Clean up and declutter your house
6. Clean the garden and keep plants away from the perimeter of your home.
7. Seal up the cracks and openings around windows and doors.
8. Bleach can be used as a homemade pesticide so spray in areas where spiders are lurking.
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