Like spiders and ladybugs, the opossum is your friend. They are a kind of natural pest control animal, with their jaw of 50 sharp teeth they are omnivores eating everything from overripe fruits and vegetables to snails, slugs, insects, snakes, worms, rats, mice and other small animals, as well as nuts, seeds, grasses and weeds. Opossums snout and tail give them a rat appearance but they are related to kangaroos and koalas rather than to rodents. During winter, the solitary nocturnal opossum spends most of the time in its nest but come February a female (jills) will be looking for a mate (jack) and will give birth to her litter of joeys in March. The female opossum is a marsupial (pouched mammal like the kangaroo) carry joeys in her pouch because their body temperature is too low. They are not aggressive but when approached they usually bare their teeth or play dead as a defense mechanism.
gogreenpestcontrol.ca insectandrodentexterminators.com Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF
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