The Bald Faced Hornet – The Repeating Stingers

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

The Bald Faced Hornet – The Repeating Stingers

Bald-faced hornets have smooth stingers, so they can sting repeatedly and the venom can cause a life threating situation. These hornets are notable for their large nests, defensive behavior, and extremely painful stings. While they are beneficial as predators of other insects, their presence near human habitation can pose risks, particularly for those allergic to their stings. It’s important to exercise caution and seek the help of Go Green Pest Control Corp – Randy Bilesky BScF CPA RPF and his team of professionals, to help for nest removal if necessary to avoid confrontation with these aggressive insects.

Nest Size and Structure:

  • Nest Size: Bald-faced hornet nests can vary in size but are typically large, reaching up to 14 inches in diameter or more. They are usually pear-shaped and constructed from paper-like material made from chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva.
  • Colony Size: A mature colony can contain anywhere from a few hundred to over a thousand hornets, depending on factors like food availability and environmental conditions.

Life Cycle and Queens:

  • Queen Production: Towards the end of the summer, new queens and male drones are produced in the colony. These new queens mate with males and then leave the nest to overwinter in protected locations. The remaining colony members, including the workers and old queen, typically do not survive the winter.

Behavior and Defense:

  • Aggression: Bald-faced hornets are known for their defensive behavior and can be aggressive when their nest is disturbed. They will vigorously defend their nest by stinging repeatedly if they perceive a threat.
  • Sting: The sting of a bald-faced hornet is painful and can cause significant reactions in people who are allergic to insect stings. It injects venom that can cause swelling, pain, and in severe cases, allergic reactions that may require medical attention.

Importance in Ecosystem:

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner