Ever leave behind the smallest crumb or drip of sugary syrup on a countertop or floor, only to come back to find a cluster of minute ants indulging on it? You may even have a name for those ants, sugar ants. If you have these ants in your home, it’s really no surprise as south Delta is built on a very large sand pile that allow these ants to get around easily. These ants have extraordinary odor detecting skills and sugar which is in just about everything in the kitchen, is highly attractive to them. Since sugar comes in many forms -the most obvious is white, brown or powdered sugar and then in many other forms such as; honey; corn, maple and other syrups, jams, jellies, cake, candy, fruit, soft drinks, and honeydew (the sticky, sugar-rich liquid secreted by aphids). Of course, sugar ants first invade indoor spaces that have those highly addictive sweet treats: in the kitchen and pantry. So how do they get inside, they find their way inside much like other bugs do: through cracks in the foundation, gaps around doors and windows, and tears window screens. To be continued.
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