Your car is a warm, dry and undisturbed ideal shelter for feeding, nesting and breeding rodents. Rodents can cause significant damage to the car, damage that could end up costing you thousands of dollars in repairs. You can’t exterminate every rodent in your area, but you can take some hands-on steps to reduce the hazards of unwelcome vermin in your car. Here is a starter kit to help, although some of these may seem a little overboard.
1) Eliminate the rodents, set snap traps to catch and eliminate them.
2) Watch for rodent activity near the car – looking for signs such as feces.
3) Reduce rodent hiding spaces such as bushes near your car, keep garages and surrounding areas tidy and seal off entry points where rodents can get into your garage.
4) Open the engine hood making it less inviting shelter for the rodents.
5) Use ultrasound gizmos or strobe lights to disturb rodents. You can spray deterrent smells around the engine such as peppermint oil but remember that you’ll have to drive with that smell.
7) Remove any food from the surrounding area such as pet food or bird feeders.
8) Wrap engine wires with anti-rodent electrical tape.
gogreenpestcontrol.ca Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF
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