The Norway rat is a large, robust-bodied rodent -the most important pest rat across B.C. Norway rats have small ears but have outstanding sense of hearing, tasting, touch and smell, and although their eyes are prominent, Norway rats have a poor sense of sight, seeing up to 10 feet. They are crepuscular creatures, which means they are active around sunset and sunrise, but not normally during the day or the middle of the night. Norway rats are exceptional leapers, runners, swimmers, and are capable of climbing pipes, bricks and tree trunks. Norway rats dig burrows into soil to use as safe havens and nesting sites. The Norway rat adventures into cracks, crevices, and holes in streets, sidewalks, and building foundations to use as burrows. Holes as small as 12mm high is enough to allow these rats to enter and exit burrows! Adults can produce nearly 40 offspring per year over four litters. Rodents spread disease, damage property, and cause emotional suffering. Managing rodent infestations is usually a combination of exclusion, trapping, and baiting. Rodents are quite crafty and complex and control of rats is a serious business that is best left to pest management professionals, so please call us if you are finding evidence of rodents in your home!
gogreenpestcontrol.ca insectandrodentexterminators.com Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF
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