Mosquitoes thrive in warm, damp areas and only need a couple of centimetres of water to breed, turning pools, buckets, wheelbarrows and bird baths into likely breeding grounds. To lessen the probability of mosquitoes in your yard, have a look around your property to see if you can remove any standing water. Mosquitoes are considered the most lethal animal on earth, spreading Zika virus, malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, chikungunya, yellow fever, filariasis, tularemia, dirofilariasis, Japanese encephalitis, Saint Louis encephalitis, Western equine encephalitis, Eastern equine encephalitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Ross River fever, and Barmah Forest fever. Prevention and protection tips include: eliminate standing water, screen all windows and doors and keep gutters free flowing, wear long pants and sleeves outdoors to limit exposure (hah hah), avoid wearing dark colors, floral prints and sweet-smelling perfumes and colognes while outside and properly apply insect repellent containing at least 20 percent DEET, picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
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