What really is going on down-under. If you are one of those people that like your lawn to look like a golf course, then here is a collection of rodents that try very hard to make your putting green style lawn vanish. So down under the ground we have moles, voles, shrews and pocket gophers (and a lot more). So often confused with moles, voles are entirely different. A mole tunnels underground, lifting the soil upwards and making your yard squishy when you walk on it. Voles tunnel creating super highways under the grass. Like the vole, the pocket gopher is a rodent and looks like a mouse, but with bigger teeth. They burrow into the ground, leaving behind unsightly mounds on your lawn that are horseshoe-shaped. The shrew is a small mole-like long-nosed mouse, but a shrew is not a rodent. Shrews have sharp, spike-like teeth, not front incisor teeth like rodents. Shrews will reuse the tunnels made by moles and voles.
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