To stop or control rodents effectively, you must take away everything that they need for survival. This would includes food, water, shelter and their means of getting around. Some of the key ways to control mice and rats is to take away the places they like to hide, sleep, and nest include: Remove untidiness and garbage from your yard, garage and carport. Move trees, bushes, shrubs and mulch away from the house foundation and store firewood away from walls. Cut back overgrown bushes and trees away from the roof line by 2 meters. To keep the rodents outdoors, seal all holes and cracks in the foundation, walls, floors and roof. Install metal kick plates and heavy duty sweeps on all exterior doors. Install metal mesh or flashing between foundations and the ground. Practice proper composting techniques and remove any fruits or nuts that have accumulated in your yard. Remove outdoor pet food at night and remove spilled bird seed from beneath bird feeders. Use proper garbage cans that have tight fitting lids and that lock to store garbage.
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