How do you know if you have cockroaches??

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

How do you know if you have cockroaches??

Here are some signs that you may have a cockroach infestation. If you notice any of these signs, it’s a good idea to take action to prevent a larger infestation.

  1. Droppings: Look for small, dark brown or black droppings, which resemble coffee grounds or black pepper. They may be found near food sources or hiding spots.
  2. Egg Cases: Cockroach egg cases are small, brown, and oval-shaped. You might find them in hidden areas like cabinets or behind appliances.
  3. Smell: A musty or oily odor can indicate a large infestation.
  4. Sightings: Spotting live cockroaches, especially at night when they are most active, is a clear sign.
  5. Shed Skin: Cockroaches shed their skin as they grow, leaving behind molted exoskeletons.
  6. Damage: Check for damage to food packaging or small holes in materials like cardboard.

Spotting live cockroaches at night is a common indicator of an infestation. Here are some tips for observing them:

  1. Nighttime Activity: Cockroaches are nocturnal, so they are most active after dark. If you notice them scurrying around when the lights are low, it’s a sign.
  2. Lighting: Use a flashlight to look in dark corners, under sinks, and behind appliances. Cockroaches often flee from light, so you might see them darting away.
  3. Frequent Hiding Spots: Check areas like kitchen cabinets, pantries, basements, and bathrooms where food and moisture are available.
  4. Listen for Sounds: You might hear them rustling in the walls or behind furniture, especially in quiet environments.
  5. Bait Traps: Setting out bait traps can help attract and capture them, giving you a clearer idea of the infestation level.

If you consistently spot live cockroaches, it’s important to take steps to eliminate them and prevent future infestations.

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner