If you are going old school, like we always do, buying a real Christmas tree is tradition. But, before you bring the softwood tree indoors give it a shake. Check for ticks, beetles, flies and spiders around the base of the tree. And when using bug spray, never apply it on the tree because it could be flammable. Did you know moths and silverfish are attracted to and eat the gift wrap and cardboard that Christmas presents come in, so take the paper and boxes out to recycling as soon as possible. Cockroaches and ants
enjoy turkey, ham and roast beast with all the trimming as much as you do – so keep your kitchen clean and all food tucked away in the fridge. If you have a fireplace, lucky you, remember before you bring in wood from the wood pile outside, check it for mice, rats, termites, spiders and ants. Merry Pest Free Christmas and a Happy normal New Year.
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