Green Pest Control Results that Actually Work

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Green Pest Control Results that Actually Work

Regrettably, when pests are detected in our houses, apartments, or office buildings, their existence can lead to grave problems for the people who live or work there.  Non-toxic extermination has become more readily available to retail customers but it really dependents on the type of pest you’re dealing with. Here are a few things you can do that actually work.

Mice and Rats – live traps are a human way to go. Catch and release – as long as it’s along ways away from your house.   

Flying Insects –  most flying insects are attracted to UV light, so a UV light trap with sticky paper is the ticket. uses UV lighting and a fan to draw pests like mosquitoes in and trap them on powerful sticky paper.  

Fruit Flies – an effective fruit fly trap is merely a small cup with apple cider vinegar and cellophane wrapped over with small holes punched into the top.  

Ants – retail stores are loaded with all kinds of ant gels, powders and sprays that at the best of times are a means to slow down the occurrence of ants.  

Silverfish – the only green way to get rid of silverfish is using dehumidifiers, under 50% moisture content silverfish can’t survive.…at-actually-work/

Green Pest Control Results that Actually Work

About the author

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF administrator

Pest Control Owner