Mice aren’t just annoying, they are disease carrying rodents. A single mice can produce over a hundred offspring in a year and just think off the multiplier when the babies begin breeding. If you are using snap traps, stick pads and poison, all these are not enough to getting rid of those cute adorable mice. The next three steps include sealing off the entry points into the house, cleaning up and decontaminating the house. Mice can squeeze through a gap as small as 6 mm, so if you actually measure 6 mm next to the gap under a door, you’ll see how small it really is. So you need to seal off the cracks, gaps and holes throughout your house. Mice are also attracted to your home because of food crumbs, dry stored products and cotton. So keep food in metal containers or thick plastic containers with tight lids. Every where a mouse has been needs to be decontaminate, surfaces cleaned with bleach solution and all clothing washed, and furniture, rugs and carpet need to be commercial steam cleaned.
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