The electric ant a.k.a the little fire ant has been called one of the worst invasive and aggressive pests in the world by the Conservation of Nature Invasive Species Specialist Group. Little fire ants can deliver a painful, long-lasting sting that can permanently blind cats and dogs. These ants can also create huge colonies of about 50 million ants – covering acres of land and fall from trees creating what scientists call “ant rain.” These yellow-red to light brown ants are only 1.5 mm in length and once these ants do become established they can be very difficult to remove. They are especially fond of potted plants, so homeowners may accidentally carry these pests indoors. Each little fire ant colony supports multiple queens that are capable of reproducing very quickly. Also, little fire ants are omnivores (eats food of both plant and animal origin) so removing their many food sources can be challenging.
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