Squirrels feed on seeds, nuts, acorns, tree buds, berries, leaves and twigs but believe it or not will eat meat. But if they have become an issue around or in your house then choosing the right kind of squirrel trap might help rid your property of squirrels. These rodents can bring viruses and health conditions which can be dangerous to your family. When trying to capture a squirrel, household foods work well to attract them, such as cookies, biscuits, crackers, fruits and nuts. When trapping a squirrel I only recommend live cage traps, these catch-and-release type devices use bait, as previously described, to lure the squirrel inside the cage. Once the squirrel steps on a trigger the door instantly shuts it inside. Place the live trap on a path that the squirrel uses or close to the entrance of their nest. Once you catch a squirrel you are required to release it in a wooded area, but not too close to your house as they will return.
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