Delta lawns are about to be decimated by birds and animals desperately digging for chafer beetle grubs. Damage is done during the grub, or larvae, stage. The grubs feed on the fibrous roots of grass, which crows, raccoons and skunks quickly rip up each spring and fall in search of the tasty pests. Water is key to controlling grubs without pesticides. Microscopic round worms, known as nematodes, are the most effective defence against the chafer beetle. Nematodes—available at garden supply stores—are applied to infested lawns at the end of July when the beetle is beginning its grub stage. Effective treatment involves two weeks of regular watering.
Tips to control chafers
•Increase mowing height to 8-10 cm
•Fertilize twice a year with compost or organic, slow-release fertilizers; leave grass clippings on lawn as natural fertilizer
•Water lawn deeply: 2-3 cm once a week
•Over-seed annually
•Lime in fall and spring Delta
Chafer beetle, Grubs and Your Yard
gogreenpestcontrol.ca insectandrodentexterminators.com Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF
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