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ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Carpenter Ants Damage

Carpenter ants have become a widespread problem throughout Delta. They make their nests in damp, rotting, dead or perfectly dry wood and create passageways so they can easily circumnavigate through the structure. Carpenter ants are small but the damage a colony can cause is not. Carpenter ants cause the most damage of all ants – that commonly infest structures. The amount of damage a carpenter ant infestation can inflict on a property can vary. If a colony has been aggressively infesting a property for a extended period of time, the structural damage can be very wide-ranging. That’s why it’s critical to have infestations treated as fast as possible by a pest control expert. One common sign of carpenter ant damage is the appearance of small, circular holes on the surface of the wood. The worker carpenter ants will exhume sawdust-like debris around or below the exit holes. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Odorous Ants

These insects create nests in wall or floor voids when indoors and target kitchen pantries and cupboards. They also nest outside and may crawl indoors through cracks and crevices in the foundation or doors and windows. Odorous ants release an unpleasant smell when crushed and like the grease ant they also bite. Next to the carpenter ant, these ants are the most commonly encountered ants inside homes in Delta. The most likely sign of odorous house ants is the foraging worker ants, although winged swarmers also might be seen. It is not recommended that homeowner applied liquid and aerosol insecticides as this creates more problems by scattering the workers and creating more nesting sites. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Carpenter Ants: Galleries & Nests & Damage

The carpenter ant is in the genus Camponotus which build their colonies in tunnels mined from damp, rotting or dry wood. They dig galleries into the wood grain (the softer part of the wood) to form their nests and make getting around the nest easier. Their galleries are not lined with mud or moist soil as termite galleries typically are. Once a new colony has established the ‘parent’ or main nest they begin to look to establish a satellite nest. The main nest contains a queen (or multiple queens), her brood, and workers. In the satellite nest there are workers, older larvae, and pupae. Workers create satellite nests when the parent nest become to large and they find another suitable nest that has a supply of food or water, which in our case is somewhere in our homes. One main nest may have several satellite nests and all of them maybe in one house. So the potential damage of carpenter ants will depend on the number and size of satellite nests in your home. The longer the infestation remains active the more potential damage may result.…ies-nests-damage/ ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Your aunts are here!! Carpenter ants – YIKES

Its almost spring and your ants are about to come back to visit, oh yes, the carpenter ants. Next to the termite, the carpenter ant is the next most destructive insect that will invade the structure of your house and slowly chew it away. So lets have a look at carpenter ants. Carpenter ants are among the largest black ants in B.C. These insects usually build their nests in damp, sound or decaying wood out doors or right in your house. When these ants are discovered in a home, it is a sure sign that there was or is a water leak somewhere in the house and the water damage to the wood was never fixed. These insects will enter your house from the under the soil, along the ground, tree branches touching your roof or wires that lead to your house. When carpenter ants build a satellite nest, a nest in your house that co-exists with the main nest somewhere outdoors, they dig out tunnels in wood and drywall. Unlike the termite that eats the wood (cellulose), the carpenter ant just chews tunnels and discard the sawdust. Other than seeing the ants indoors, the other telltale sign you have a carpenter ant infestation will be the discovery of piles of sawdust. As the ants dig their tunnels, they built up piles of sawdust that need to be removed from the crime scene so the ant push it out away from the nest and sometimes out from the wall where you see it. A long-term infestation with numerous satellite nest in a home often means severe structural impairment and ugly cosmetic damage. To be continue, it a long story.…enter-ants-yikes Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Wasps taking a bite out of Deltas Honey Bees population

In Delta, honeybees contribute millions of dollars to the economy each year but now some beekeepers are reporting massive losses due to wasp attacks -as much as 75 per cent have been wiped out. Other reasons the bee populations are reduced is mites, viruses and pesticides. But the main culprit remains yellow jacket wasps. Wasps have been a major problem all over the place as wasps numbers were high last spring and as late summer rolled around, they would attack honey bee colonies, carrying off both the honey bees and honey. Beekeepers can protect their honey bees from yellowjackets with good beekeeping practices such as keeping strong colonies, reducing hive entrances (2½ cm – 5 cm), installing robbing screens (the screens let the bees for the colony go in and out, but makes it easier for them to protect the hives from attackers like wasps), and maintaining a tidy beehive. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Rats – the secret sensory world

Everywhere rats go they leave a steady stream of urine, feces and gland grease. Within their urine and feces and gland grease are strong pheromone scents which helps them retrace their steps and attract other rats.  Pheromones and steroids, such as male testosterone or female progesterone and estradiol let other rats know that there is another rat around, so it’s not that dangerous and maybe they will get lucky. Tracking odour trails is a crucial behaviour for rats and all rodents often leading to food, mates or away from danger. When rats find a odour trail they use active sampling, to sense the environment. They track odour trails accurately with near-optimal sampling – within 1 cm, and they use a multi-layered strategy. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Blog: Big spike in grease ant cases Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist

Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist

FEBRUARY 23, 2019 03:35 PM


Well I’m calling this year a total epidemic of unseen proportion with regards to grease ants. Never have we seen so many cases of grease ants in peoples homes as we are in 2019. Call outs for these ants are off the charts so far this February. Not only are they unsightly, they are a major nuisance and these little critters also bite and send out large winged mating ants by the thousands. They are a common ant in homes, especially in the kitchen, bathrooms, utility rooms and dinning rooms. They are called grease ants because they are omnivorous, eating just about anything – although they prefer to feed on grease and high-protein foods such as meats, cheeses, seeds, pet food and just about any other food that hits the ground. Grease ant colonies are generally small in size, but can have as many as 20 queens per nest. They will travel a considerable distance for food, traveling along baseboards and cabinets where they leave pheromone trails for other workers to continue the search for food. Simple prevention tips include: caulk or otherwise seal all entry points where the ants are entering from the baseboards, put away foods in sealed containers or the fridge, don’t leave dirty dishes sit in the sink and immediately clean up food spills.…y-delta-optimist Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF…y-delta-optimist

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

2019 Grease Ant Epidemic in South Delta

Well I’m calling this year a total epidemic of unseen proportion with regards to Grease ants. Never have we seen so many cases of Grease ants in peoples homes as we are in 2019. Call out for these ants are off the charts so far this February. Not only are they unsightly, they are a major nuisance and these little critters also bite and send out large winged mating ants by the thousands.  They are a common ant in homes, especially in the kitchen, bathrooms, utility rooms and dinning rooms. They are called grease ants because they are omnivorous, eating just about anything – although they prefer to feed on grease and high-protein foods such as meats, cheeses, seeds, pet food and just about any other food that hits the ground. Grease ant colonies are generally small in size, but can have as many as 20 queens per nest. They will travel a considerable distance for food, traveling along baseboards and cabinets where they leave pheromone trails for other workers to continue the search for food. Simple prevention tips include: caulk or otherwise seal all entry points where the ants are entering from the baseboards, put away foods in sealed containers or the fridge, don’t leave dirty dishes sit in the sink and immediately clean up food spills.…c-in-south-delta/ ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Silverfish – bite like sharks or sting like eels?

Silverfish are the same length as the carpenter ant, these nocturnal insects prosper in bathrooms, kitchen and damp crawl spaces in almost everyone’s home. These dinosaur like, alligator shaped insects are categorised by a silvery-tan colour and bristles at the end of their body. Once silverfish are brought into your house, they begin laying dozens of eggs daily turning a one off to a full infestation very quickly. Eggs are usually concealed in cracks or crevices under sinks, cabinets and walls, making them very problematic to find. So do they nasty looking creatures bite or sting, well no, they are merely a nuisance. Silverfish are capable of slowly eating away at books, paper, wallpaper, and paintings but unlike termites, silverfish take a long time to do any significant damage. Retail – do it yourself products such as insect pesticides and silverfish bait stations rarely slow a growing silverfish infestation so don’t wait to long to get it treated by a professional.…-sting-like-eels/ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Insect Extinction maybe coming

Insects are at the bottom of every food chain yet at the top of the ecosystem because they’re are pollinators – therefore they are absolutely critical. Insects also play an important roles in our ecosystems preforming  pest control, decomposition and food for other animals such as birds, reptiles and small mammals. Now reports indicate that more than 40% of insect species could disappear within a span of 50 years as a third of insect species are endangered now. This could be the largest extinction event on earth since the dinosaur era. The finger is being pointed at agriculture, urbanization, pesticides, pathogens and climate change. One study calls for the rethinking of our present agricultural practices, using less pesticides and finding more sustainable, environmentally based practices to allow the recovery of declining insect populations. Also the cleaning up of polluted waters in both agricultural and urban settings. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF