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ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Scary Rat Mauling

Rats are generally pretty shy -they don’t like light and they don’t like people so its kind of a terrifying when you hear a story about rats attacking people. In a senior apartment complex when a resident attempted to use the garbage chute, that very thing happened. A women opened the garbage chute and noticed a rat chewing on kitchen garbage. As she watched the rat in amazement, a second rat attacked her, causing deep scratches on her neck. She was rushed to the hospital and after minor surgery she was okay, but she described the episode as “it was a rat mauling and it was very scary.”  

While rat attacks are very unusual, residents of apartments will often discover rodents in and around their homes. When rats get into an apartment they will leave droppings along the kitchen counters, on the floor and even on couches. Here are a few things residents can do to make themselves less of a target to any rodent: 1- keep counter tops, under stoves, refrigerators and appliances clean. 2- store dry foods in plastic or metal rodent proof containers. 3- clear piles of debris away from house and keep garbage in rodent proof garbage bins. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Scary Pests Halloween Pests – Rats, Spiders and Bats

The Joker, Pennywise, Trump, witches and other scary fictional characters are favorite Halloween creatures, but pests are still pretty high on the list. Bats, spiders and their webs, share holiday honors. A lot of pest-related Halloween items have to do with the historic role they have played in spreading plagues or Black Death that killed a quarter of Europe’s population in the 14th century. Spiders and rats are two pests that have always caused fear. First, spiders and the fear of spiders is called arachnophobia. Two spiders that pose a threat to humans, the black widow and the brown recluse. Their bites are painful and occasionally can even be fatal. Next, rats have been reviled throughout history as they contaminate food and spread disease and can do a great deal of property damage. As the weather turns cooler rats look for harborage inside structures. And finally, bats – bloodsucking supernatural villains that are dirty, winged rodents of the night sky spreading diseases. Of course the bats get a bums rap, as none of that is true.…spiders-and-bats/ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Rodent-Borne Diseases

Rats and mice are far from being harmless creatures as they can cause infectious diseases & serious health complications. Rodent borne diseases include bacteria-based illnesses such as salmonella to viruses such as hantavirus. Once they have entered and infested your homes, then they can potentially spread several diseases. When you have an infestation of mice or rats, their urine is the primary source of diseases. Rodent borne-diseases can be contracted by direct contact with the urine, through contaminated food, water and contaminated air. Just like urine, you can catch rodent-borne diseases from rat or mice feces through contamination of food, air and water. Next, an easy way to be infected is by touching a dead rodent and then touching open areas of your body such as mouth, nose and eyes, as well as touching any wounds or scratches. And finally, being scratched or bitten by a rodent can lead to serious health problems, their saliva can contain a multitude of diseases. The most effective solution to rodent infestations is to prevent them from gaining access to your property in the first place. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Introducing the Antlion a.k.a. the Doodlebug

Antlion or the doodlebug are named for the rapacious ways of the larva, which trap small insects in a pit that it has dug into the ground. The Doodlebug larva digs a cone shaped pit from 2 to 5 cm deep and 3 to 8 cm wide at the edge, by using its abdomen to push and build particles on its large rectangular head and flinging them outside of the pit. After the death pit is done, the larva entombs itself so that only its jaws are seen. Once an insect slips down to the bottom of the slope, the reaping-hook like jaws of the larva grab and suck the contents of its victim. Once the antlion is done, it will toss the carcass out over the edge of the trap. The larva soon becomes a cocoon and emerges as a winged adult that never eats.…-a-the-doodlebug/ Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Stink Bugs and How to Get Them Gone

Every year when the weather starts to turn chilly, the smelly brown marmorated stink bug looks to get into a nice cozy home. As clearly stated in their name, anyone with a keen sense of smell will smell one of these guys long before you see it. To make matters worse, they like to gather in large numbers by releasing pheromones that attract others to join them – which can really make things stinky. Preventing them from getting in is pretty tough as they can get in through gaps as small as 3 millimeters. These guys aren’t picky eaters either, they are happy to eat ant plant that is in their way. The only good news is that they wont lay eggs indoors, as winter comes along they go into hibernation and by spring they are ready to head outdoors again. If you get these stinky insects this year, there are a couple things to do to get rid of them, vacuum up any that you see, use insect sticky pads and insecticides can be used.…to-get-them-gone/ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Which rats do you have?

As temperatures drop, rats move indoors in search of food and warmth. Rats are vectors of many dangerous diseases such as typhus, plague, jaundice, rat-bite fever, cowpox virus, trichinosis and salmonella. They also cause significant property damage by chewing through wires, drywall, plastic and lead pipes, insulation barriers and almost anything in their way. These rodents will invade approximately 6% of homes each winter and are found twice as often in the bathroom. By being able to identify the rat species entering the home, you will be better equipped to prevent them. The two different types of rats the we have here are the roof rat and the Norway rat. The roof rat has soft, smooth brown fur and live in colonies nesting in attics and upper parts of trees. The Norway rat are primarily nocturnal and often burrow under concrete slabs, foundations and gardens. They search for drier homes in the fall and will nest in basements, attics and other undisturbed dwellings. In addition, these rats can also introduce fleas and mites into a home. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Real Creepy Halloween Creatures

They’re creepy, scary and spooky – They’re spiders, rats and bats – the original Halloween creatures! Just the thought of a spider building a web in the kitchen, a bat flying around in the attic, or rats nesting in the crawlspace is all you need to deem your home a “haunted Halloween house”. The fall is a prime season for pest infestations as insects and rodents seek shelter from cooler wet weather. First RATS – Rats are one of the most abhorrent pests (Musophobia -the fear of rats), primarily nocturnal they like to nest in attics, crawlspaces and behind ovens and fridges. Once inside, they can spread diseases by contaminating food and put homes at risk for electrical fires by gnawing through wires.  Next up BATS – Bats are also nocturnal mammals that hunt at night and roost in dark areas and carry rabies (fatal if left untreated). Bats are popularly associated with creepiness as they symbolize all that is dark, Gothic, vampires and haunted houses. And finally SPIDERS – The sight of a spider crawling on the wall can frighten just about anyone, especially around Halloween and this can easily lead to arachnophobia, the reaction to spiders and spider webs. Be particularly aware of the brown recluse spider, the black widow spider and the hobo spider, as these types of spiders are known to inflict a painful bite. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Insects in Your House

Common bugs we find here in our Delta homes are flies, ants, spiders, silverfish, sow bugs, clothe moths, carpet beetles and more – but there are a few ways to eradicate and keep them out. Inspect your windows and doors, and seal any holes or cracks. Before leaving the kitchen at night, don’t forget to clean it up as most insects are nocturnal. Put food that isn’t going into the fridge into tightly sealed containers. Keep your floors and counter tops clean. Also, insects are always looking for water, especially silverfish, ants and sow bugs – so always have leaky faucets and pipes fixed asap. Empty your garbage cans and vacuum at least once a week (preferably twice a week). Piles of magazines or newspapers attract silverfish and cockroaches so toss out what you don’t need. If flies are an issue, you can use insect control products that are safe around children and pets. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Super sized rats to invade Delta Homes just in time for Halloween

Act now, as it is time to prepare for a real Halloween invasion as rats begin to take up residence in attics, walls and crawl spaces. Hundreds of super-sized (38cm) disease-ridden rodents are scurrying for protection and nesting spots as the autumn rain takes hold and temperatures drop. Rodents are responsible for millions of dollars worth of damage to homes across B.C. – from gnawing through electrical wire, framing lumber and fouling insulation. This is the time of year where we get an increase in rodent calls by over 50% and keep in mind, one female rats can have as many as 72 babies in a year. A few ways to prevent rats from getting into your house include: Seal gaps and cracks around the foundation, windows, doors, eaves and drains. Keep your property clutter free and tidy especially in autumn as leaves, twigs and branches can be ideal hiding spaces for rats. Look for leaks in plumbing and roofs as a water supply is mandatory for rats. Cut all shrubs and trees at least 2 meters away from your house.…me-for-halloween/ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF