
ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

How to avoid the business end of a hornet or wasp.

Mid August onward, wasps are particularly troublesome as they are switching over from carbohydrates to a protein diet and therefore they are more attracted to human foods. So how do you avoid being stung by the nasty cousin of the bumble bee. First, be aware of your environment, especially if you are drinking from a pop or beer can – wasps like to go inside the can in search of sugar, and don’t wear brightly colored clothing because wasps and hornets think it’s a potential food source. When wasps are near, it’s important not to flail your arms, as waving your arms essentially can make the situation worse. If you are stung, run away in a straight line and keep your hands over your face to protect it, the wasp soon will give up. If you happen to be going to the P.N.E. (or any other outdoor event), it’s also best to avoid garbage cans as hornets and  wasps tend to flock there and carry an EpiPen even if you’re not allergic to the nasty stings.…a-hornet-or-wasp/ Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF


Crickets are insects related to grasshoppers. They occur in wide-ranging environments from grassland and forests to marshes and beaches. Crickets are mainly nocturnal, and are best known for the loud, persistent, chirping song of males trying to attract females. The singing species have good hearing and have different chirping “songs” for: attracting mates ( male crickets create sound by rubbing their forewings against each other), fighting and sounding alarms. Crickets typically prefer to live outside, but homeowners dealing with crickets tend to have exactly the right conditions in the home to draw the pests indoors such as moisture in homes. If crickets get inside, they are more of a nuisance than a problem. These pests are nocturnal and chirp to each other throughout the night. They are a destructive presence in agricultural areas, as they feed on crops and seedlings at night. Some species feed on fabrics and can ruin clothes. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

House flies: carry and spread diseases

House flies and filth flies spread over 65 harmful diseases including diarrhoeal diseases, skin and eye infections. But there is more, these flies can transmit food-borne pathogens, toxins and resistance.  In fact, they are known to carry and spread; cholera, conjunctivitis, dysentery, gastroenteritis, salmonellosis, tuberculosis and typhoid fever. House flies feed by regurgitating their stomach contents onto their food to liquify them, any bacteria living in their oesophagus will be transmitted to the item they are consuming. You can catch a house fly transmitted disease by eating any food or drinking liquids that a house fly has: regurgitated, defecated, urinated, or landed on. Bacteria living within their digestive system will be transmitted to items which they defecate on through their feces. House flies also accumulate the bacteria on the tiny hairs on their legs and body so when they land on a food many of these pathogen are transferred.…-spread-diseases/ Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Skunk spray can now be neutralized

Skunk spray is the nasal equivalent to stepping on a hornets nest or staring at the sun. Skunk spray contains a mixture of sulfur-containing chemicals called thiols or mercaptans, but the Tolypocladium fungus has a compound in it called pericosine that neutralize the stink – that can linger for months. The pericosine reacts with skunk spray’s thiol compounds, forming residues that aren’t belligerent to the nose and can washed away. The pericosine can be used on skin and even around the eyes as it doesn’t cause irritation. Additional ingredients are added to the pericosine to neutralize than quicker. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Delta’s three main Rodent

Rodents are cagy, vigilant, inobtrusive and nocturnal animals. To outsmart these Delta residents and protect your home, you need to know what you’re dealing with and here are some helpful hints to help you recognise them.  

House mouse nest in walls, attics, crawl spaces, woodpiles,  garages, basements, storage places but they really like to hang out in the kitchen and pantry. Signs of house mice include food that has been left out and nibbled on, droppings similar to the size of rice and a musky odor they leave behind.

Roof rats are smaller in appearance than their cousins the Norway rats. They are climbers of both trees and homes, nesting in attics, walls, appliances, garages, and in foliage like ivy and climbing vines. Signs of roof rats include grease marks, scampering and climbing noises, the smell of urine and feces on floors and insulation. These guys will eat almost anything.  

Norway rats are larger than the roof rats. They are known as burrows, digging holes in the ground and spending a lot of time there. Like the roof rat, they like to nest in attics but will also be in basements, walls, woodpiles, sewers and in their burrows. Signs of these rats is the smell of their malodourous urine and tons of feces. Similar to the roof rats, these guys like to eat everything from grass seeds to fertilizer. ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Perennial Super Wasp Nests

A typical wasp and hornet nest can contain as many as 6000 insects and build a nest the size of a beach ball. But now, these super nests (16,000 wasps) are cropping up this summer, as a side effect of a warming climate, can potentially grow to the size of a Smart car, and this can be a record year for the shocking spectacle. These super nests haven’t been seen in decades. Normally, wasp populations die out over the winter and new queens start again in the spring but unseasonably warm winters, the wasps survive to form perennial nests, or colonies that persist through the winter and live to see the spring – forming massive nests and supporting a couple queens. If you see a nest, the best thing to do is hire a licensed commercial pest control operator to take care of it. ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Delta Squirrels

Squirrels feed on seeds, nuts, acorns, tree buds, berries, leaves and twigs but believe it or not will eat meat. But if they have become an issue around or in your house then choosing the right kind of squirrel trap might help rid your property of squirrels. These rodents can bring viruses and health conditions which can be dangerous to your family. When trying to capture a squirrel, household foods work well to attract them, such as cookies, biscuits, crackers, fruits and nuts. When trapping a squirrel I only recommend live cage traps, these catch-and-release type devices use bait, as previously described, to lure the squirrel inside the cage. Once the squirrel steps on a trigger the door instantly shuts it inside. Place the live trap on a path that the squirrel uses or close to the entrance of their nest. Once you catch a squirrel you are required to release it in a wooded area, but not too close to your house as they will return. Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

I just got stung by a what!?

As the days continue to get hotter, wasps and hornets continue to prosper. Wasps that live in colonies and yes you guessed it; attack in swarms and sting repeatedly. To avoid this perilous encounter, have the wasp hives removed long before they look like a beach ball on steroids. Most species of wasp and hornets will attack when provoked but there are the solitary group of wasps that rarely sting – like the mud-dauber and potter wasps. They are distinguished by mud nests on walls and ceilings. Back to the stinging ones, including bald faced hornets, yellow jackets and paper wasps – all can be dangerous especially if you are allergic to them. At this time of year, the warmer it gets the more aggressive and active they are therefore nests near doorways,  porch ceilings or bushes need to be removed. As the summer proceeds, the queen begins to lay a lot of larvae and the whole nest gets super protective. If you happen to get too close to an active nest move away slowly, as rapid movements provoke stinging.

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

What makes a good squirrel proof bird feeder?

When it comes to selecting between the best squirrel proof bird feeder brands, money in research and creating designs with better technology, finishes and makes is very important. No matter whether you are looking for a traditional or contemporary look , you will find one that suits your budget and needs.  Squirrel proof bird feeder are designed to give you good control with a multitude of functions such as size, shape and quality of material matter.  When it comes to size, in this case it matters, go for something bigger that can get the job done. For maximum birds you usually want to get a regular shaped design but the sky is the limit on shape. And yes, quality matters, choose one that has a bottom that is heavy and thick enough for sturdiness and long-term use. The brand and warranty on the cage is very important so paying a bit more for a reliable known brand makes perfect sense.…roof-bird-feeder/ ‎ Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF