
ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

The Voles are back!

Voles can be serious problems in lawns and gardens, tunnelling under the lawn and eating the grass, bulbs, tubers and roots. Voles are small rodents that are similar in size to mice and moles. Voles live outdoors in shallow burrows in the soil. They are sometimes found in sheds but do not usually shelter in homes. Vole populations rise in a natural cycles every 2-3 years, and during this time they can be actually everywhere. They favour grassy areas with heavy mulch and ground cover. They travel in underground burrows and above-ground runways (beneath snow – when and if we get it). To control these animals can be pretty tough – so make their yards less attractive to the voles by keeping the lawn mowed, having no dense groundcover, and keeping the lawn weeded are some natural controls that can be done.

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Sowbugs aka Woodlouse aka Yuck

I know its not just me because this year ever house that I’ve been to has sowbugs around their house. Despite their name, sowbugs are land-living crustaceans not really bugs – they are a kind of shrimp crawling around your house. They can’t retain water in their bodies so they need to spend most of their time in damp places. They feed on organic material (decomposing mulch and leave) and prosper in moist environments, so that explains why they like to get into ground-level garages or basements. Sowbugs are really only a nuisance, they don’t bite or sting and therefore harmless to humans. The fact that they are inside usually indicates a large population outside. The best way to prevent sowbugs is removing damp environments, so they will leave or die. ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Mouse-pocolypse – the year of the Mouse

If you’re seeing more mice around your home, you’re not alone. Mice are not a new problem, but this year some people in Delta are reporting more sightings of the pesky rodents than usual. There have been reports of mice seen in the middle of the day, just running around the back yard. Any mouse that gets inside a house leaves scents (pheromones) trails that tell other rodents that it is okay to get in this house. Changing of the temperatures, the reduced number of hours of light and excessive rain this September -tend to move the mice indoors. And this year, we have been taking in more calls about mice than normal. It’s important to get rid of them because some mice carry hantavirus and many germs. Here are a few suggestions to keep the mice outside. Clean up your landscaping and eliminate places for mice to hide. Don’t leave pet food outside. Avoid using bird feeders or keep them at least 3 meters away from your house. Fill in gaps or holes in your homes and keep doors and windows closed.…ear-of-the-mouse/ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Good deeds lead to rat infestation

In the pest control business we often run into people with good intentions that cause rat infestation in a neighborhood because of their efforts to feed the area’s wildlife. These rat infestations are often a result of well- intention people who only want to feed birds, squirrels or raccoons on their property, but often this isn’t the only wildlife that they end up feeding. Beneath the bird feeders, mice and rats soon discover that there is a constant source of food. Often times, these rodents will get into the bird feeders. The mice and rats soon take over the neighborhood with the rats trying to get into houses by burrowing deep holes around the foundations, or accessing the attics from shrubs, trees and chimneys. The rodent issue in that neighborhood is not unique, rats are a problem throughout Delta. They’re everywhere — they’re in Ladner, Tsawwassen and North Delta. The rodents have become such a nuisance that it is suggested not to feed wildlife, such as squirrels and raccoons. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Is it a beach-ball or a Paper Wasp Nest?

So you just discovered a beachball sized paper wasp nest in a tree near your house. Now you think that it was not there last week and most definitely for the last couple months. The reality is that its been there since the spring and will continue to function into October. So do you ignore it or have it removed? Likely you have been near the nest several times over the summer and have not been attack and unless you disturb them they will not attack you. These wasps are out there killing insects and pollinating plants. We have now past the peak season of wasps and they are now preparing the new queens for next year. The first frost will kill all the workers and the old queen, and the new queens will fly off and overwinter dormant in a safe location. The new queen will never return to the same location or reuse old nests as they are afraid of parasites. The nest will disintegrate on its own as it is made of wood sawdust and saliva. But, if the wasp nest becomes troublesome, the wasps become aggressive and try to sting anyone, it is time to have the nest sprayed by a professional.…-paper-wasp-nest/ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Fruit Flies Invasion

Fruit Flies Infestation

Late summer every year, fruit flies invade homes that have ripe, rotting, or decayed fruit (liquor and liquor/beer bottles) and many times the flies are actually coming from the store you purchased them from. They also breed in drains and kitchen garbage’s. Here is the scary part about fruit flies, females are able to lay about 500 eggs and they can all hatch in about a day – in ideal temperature conditions. These puny flies can contaminate food with bacteria and other pathogens. To avoid a full blown infestation, store fruits and vegetables in air-tight containers or refrigerators. Regularly clean sink drains, garbage disposals and any place where food waste gathers. Fruit flies go through a four-stage life cycle: beginning as eggs, then larval and pupal stages before emerging as adults. To help stop an infestation, bacterial digesters can be used in infested drains (bleach just doesn’t work) and fruit fly traps such as sticky pads work well, as does apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Squirrels use bird chatter as early warning signal

Published on September 13, 2019
Randy Bilesky
President at Go Green
880 articles

Squirrels continuously look around their surroundings for predators such as eagles, owls, hawks, crows, cats and coyotes,  as well as, listen to bird chatter to hear if there is trouble brewing in the skies. Because squirrels are not nocturnal, they are in visual site of all predators during the day. When you see a squirrel it never seems to be just sitting around doing nothing. They are always running across roads, up trees, crawling across telephone wires and freeloading food. So eavesdropping on bird chatter is a great way that they can get an early warning on an incoming threat or letting them know that the birds are at peace. Many animals get involved in this form of early warning messaging, so it can be used by any individual that has the intellectual ability to identify and understand the sounds. As well, squirrels also react to their environment with various alarm calls which can help other eavesdropping animals.…y-warning-signal/ ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

When squirrels attack your trees

Squirrels will attack trees that are in stress because the trees concentrate sugars for self-healing purposes attract squirrels that can detect concentrated sugar. Squirrels usually like to eat fruits and nuts but will attack trees that are stressed by chewing the bark and girdling stems, limbs and trunks. The theory that squirrels chew on tree branches to sharpen and clean their teeth is not true, as they sharpen their teeth by rubbing them together. Stress in trees can be caused by harsh weather, water issues, incorrect fertilizer, soil compaction or contamination, or the big one – being planted too deep in the ground. The solution is to uncover the root flares of the trees and apply a treatment solution called sick tree treatment. Also key to helping the trees health is the aeration of the roots and the application of compost, rock minerals like lava sand and azomite. Once the tree is healthy again, it won’t be so attractive to squirrels. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C. Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Why Rodents Love Your Car Wires and What You Can Do to Prevent it.

If you park your car outdoors at night, be wary, mice and rats are drawn to warmth of car’s engine and the soy bean insulation buffet – you maybe looking at hundreds of dollars for rodent damage. They will eat through entire main wiring harness throughout the engine bay. In recent years, car manufacturers in a push to go greener (and save money) have been turning to soy coatings, as in soy beans, to insulate the wires under the hood of your car, although some manufactures are still using rubber or vinyl wires. So here are a few things that may stop those rodents from getting into your engine bay and creating problems. Leave the hood up. Hide your dog food, cat food, and birdseed. Remove or seal off rat hiding places near the car. Block small entrances to the vehicle engine compartment. Use electronic deterrent devices. Make your engine and its entrances smell bad (peppermint oil on their wiring, taping dryer sheets around wiring harnesses or stuffing mothballs into engine crevices), at least to rodents. Do not let the car sit unused. You can now buy anti-rodent tape for wires, from auto parts stores or on Amazon.…do-to-prevent-it/ Ladner Tsawwassen Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF