It’s autumn, when leaves turn orange, red, browned and gold, Canadian geese begin their long journey south, and squirrels gather nuts like we stock up at a Canadian Tire sale. Squirrels sometimes hide their pantry in the engine compartments of cars, a blog I’ve written about before. While at first seemingly innocuous and innocent, squirrels can do significant damage to the wiring and brake lines in your vehicle. Along with rats and other rodents, squirrels like to get into the engine compartment of a vehicle because they are attracted to the soy-based wires and peanut oil used to help pull the wiring through the tubing by the manufacturer. This can be a big problem with stored vehicles (as rodents of all kinds like to nest in the engine compartment of any and every car) which might sit for a while without being checked. Most often, you may not even realize any damage has been done until you are out driving. This kind of damage is a common occurrence, so do yourself a favor and check under the hood every once in a while.
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