As the days continue to get hotter, wasps and hornets continue to prosper. Wasps that live in colonies and yes you guessed it; attack in swarms and sting repeatedly. To avoid this perilous encounter, have the wasp hives removed long before they look like a beach ball on steroids. Most species of wasp and hornets will attack when provoked but there are the solitary group of wasps that rarely sting – like the mud-dauber and potter wasps. They are distinguished by mud nests on walls and ceilings. Back to the stinging ones, including bald faced hornets, yellow jackets and paper wasps – all can be dangerous especially if you are allergic to them. At this time of year, the warmer it gets the more aggressive and active they are therefore nests near doorways, porch ceilings or bushes need to be removed. As the summer proceeds, the queen begins to lay a lot of larvae and the whole nest gets super protective. If you happen to get too close to an active nest move away slowly, as rapid movements provoke stinging.
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