How To Get Rid of Bed Bugs My page on how to get rid of bed bugs will walk you through the extermination process step-by-step, but in general, you’ll do a lot of cleaning and then apply the mixtures I provide on that page and apply it everywhere bugs might hide. Wash all your linens and place them in a hot dryer for 20 minutes (or you can freeze them at -5 C or below for five days); you’ll do a lot of bagging of items that can’t be washed. Next, you locate the bugs hiding places which include your alarm clock, your picture frames, inside your mattress (their most coveted breeding ground), electrical outlets, under baseboards and inside any wall cracks, to name a few. You’ll vacuum all these areas, treat them with heat (I explain that in the page mentioned above as well), spray it all down and then apply the dust. You can vacuum to capture bed bugs and their eggs, but because the eggs are embedded into the fabric, you may have to scrape the surface with a fine tooth comb – we cover all this. Use food grade diatomaceous earth, an all natural pesticide and one of the best kept secrets in the war against bed bugs! This really works, but only when used in properly. Take your time, follow all the steps we show on this site and do it right the first time and chances are you won’t have to do it again – that is, unless you bring them back into your home. This is why it’s so important to recognize bugs and understand the precautions you need to take in order to prevent future infestations. After applying the natural pesticide, it’s time to seal everything up, from the cracks in the walls to tears in the box spring to adding covers that completely seal the mattress. Remember, a nymph can live for two months without feeding, an adult can survive more than 12 months! You can place glue boards or sticky tape around your bed and in the room to catch the bed bugs as they move around; this gives you a way to monitor the effectiveness of your efforts. Uninterrupted, a bed bug can fill up in little as 5 minutes and do this about once every 6 days.
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