Moles can eat their weight in worms and grubs every day, so if you have a lawn that is envied by all your neighbors -healthy, well-watered lawns which are full of worms and grubs, then you are a sitting duck for moles. Tunneling as fast as a 25 cm per minute under the grass roots, a mole can make your yard look like little johnny has been playing with his Tonya toy road building kit. Per hectare, there can be as many as four moles, so its likely that you may have more then one mole tunneling through your property. The first step is to locate the active tunnels, this can be achieved by collapsing all the tunnels and then check those spots the next day, if the tunnel has been dug out again, it’s an active one. The most effective method to control moles is to set up a spring-loaded traps that are activated when a mole pushes against it. Remove it and the mole after it’s been triggered, or try a different tunnel if it hasn’t been triggered after a couple days.
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