As Delta’s rats face a growing food shortage, with the closure of restaurants and the lack of foot traffic in popular areas, this will have a severe impact on rats. Rats can be neophobic, ( having an extreme or irrational dislike of anything new or unfamiliar) meaning that those traps you set and that poison you laid out probably won’t work very well. Rats reproduce at a incredible rate, mating over 15 times in 8 hours and producing eight litters of 6-8 rats yearly. Long-term effects of starvation on these rats means an increase in hostile behavior and more interest in getting into homes. A food shortage on rat populations can result in various results. First, they will begin to attack each other for food, then they will begin to disperse, traveling kilometers in search for food and finally if they don’t find food they will die, or begin to invade more homes.
gogreenpestcontrol.ca insectandrodentexterminators.com Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF
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