Biological pest controls include predatory or parasitic insects, bacteria or fungi, and biopesticides. Here are four biological controls that will be readily available to the home gardener.
A – Fungus that kill insects: soil-dwelling fungus that controls grasshoppers, bed bugs, other insects and plant diseases. Used in agriculture, there is incredible development potential in the area of insect and disease killing fungi.
B – Voracious insects: most gardens already contain many predatory insects. Most predatory insects less frequently happen in groups than plant feeding insects. Predator insect species include insects such as ladybugs and mantis. The use of predators is most effective when the right conditions are present such as the combination of insect, temperature, and timing.
C – Parasitic insects: these guys manage pests by laying eggs on or in another insect, which becomes a food basis for the offspring, such as tiny wasp that parasitizes whitefly.
D- Biopesticides and bioherbicides: biopesticides and bioherbicides are derived from natural sources like bacteria, plant compounds, fungi, mustard seed meal, clove and other herb- based oils. These are all made to kill insects and weeds.
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