If you’re seeing more mice around your home, you’re not alone. Mice are not a new problem, but this year some people in Delta are reporting more sightings of the pesky rodents than usual. There have been reports of mice seen in the middle of the day, just running around the back yard. Any mouse that gets inside a house leaves scents (pheromones) trails that tell other rodents that it is okay to get in this house. Changing of the temperatures, the reduced number of hours of light and excessive rain this September -tend to move the mice indoors. And this year, we have been taking in more calls about mice than normal. It’s important to get rid of them because some mice carry hantavirus and many germs. Here are a few suggestions to keep the mice outside. Clean up your landscaping and eliminate places for mice to hide. Don’t leave pet food outside. Avoid using bird feeders or keep them at least 3 meters away from your house. Fill in gaps or holes in your homes and keep doors and windows closed.
gogreenpestcontrol.ca insectandrodentexterminators.com Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF
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