So you just discovered a beachball sized paper wasp nest in a tree near your house. Now you think that it was not there last week and most definitely for the last couple months. The reality is that its been there since the spring and will continue to function into October. So do you ignore it or have it removed? Likely you have been near the nest several times over the summer and have not been attack and unless you disturb them they will not attack you. These wasps are out there killing insects and pollinating plants. We have now past the peak season of wasps and they are now preparing the new queens for next year. The first frost will kill all the workers and the old queen, and the new queens will fly off and overwinter dormant in a safe location. The new queen will never return to the same location or reuse old nests as they are afraid of parasites. The nest will disintegrate on its own as it is made of wood sawdust and saliva. But, if the wasp nest becomes troublesome, the wasps become aggressive and try to sting anyone, it is time to have the nest sprayed by a professional.
gogreenpestcontrol.ca insectandrodentexterminators.com Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF
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