Blog: Flying squirrels? Just the facts
Randy Bilesky / Delta Optimist
JUNE 19, 2019 11:35 AM
#DeltaBCThe flying squirrel is a type of squirrel known for its ability to glide through the air. Usually found in deciduous, coniferous or mixed type of forest they are thankfully not endangered. Males and females look alike and their tail is flattened and large used as a rudder when they glide through the air. A special type of the furry membrane stretches between wrists and ankles serving as a parachute while jumping from tree to tree to the ground. They can make 180 degree turns during gliding and use their thick paws as cushion for landing. They are active at night using their large eyes to see in the dark. Main predators of flying squirrels are raccoons, coyotes, owls, foxes and birds. Flying squirrels are highly social animals living in a woodpecker hole in groups of squirrels and sometimes share their dens with other animals like as bats and screech owls. The average lifespan up to five years.
Go Green Pest Control owner Randy Bilesky is a long-time South Delta resident. Trained and certified, Bilesky has first-hand knowledge of the pest problems that local homeowners and business owners encounter
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