Monthly Archive July 29, 2024

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

What could cause all these big flies in your house?

If you’re dealing with a lot of big flies in your house, several factors could be at play. Here are some common causes:

  1. Food Sources: Flies are attracted to food, especially if it’s decaying or rotting. Check for any exposed food, overripe fruits, or spills that might be attracting them.
  2. Garbage: Overflowing or improperly sealed trash cans can be a major draw for flies. Make sure your garbage is properly contained and disposed of regularly.
  3. Pet Waste: If you have pets, their waste can attract flies. Regularly clean up after pets and keep their living areas sanitary.
  4. Drain Issues: Sometimes, flies breed in drainpipes, especially if they’re clogged or have standing water. Clean your drains and check for any buildup.
  5. Open Windows or Doors: Flies can come inside through open windows and doors. Ensure screens are intact and consider using fly traps near entry points.
  6. Moisture: Flies, especially fruit flies, can be attracted to moist environments. Check for any leaks or damp areas in your home.
  7. Nesting Sites: Some flies, like cluster flies, can nest in wall voids or attics. If you have a persistent problem, you might want to inspect these areas.

8. Organic: If you’re finding a lot of flies in your house and suspect a dead rat might be the cause, you’re probably dealing with a serious issue. Here’s what you should do:

A. Locate the Source: Try to find the dead rat. Common places where rats might die include behind walls, in attics, basements, or inside crawl spaces. You might notice a bad odor or an increase in fly activity near the source.

B. Remove the Dead Rat: Once you locate the dead rat, remove it carefully using gloves and a disposable bag. Be cautious, as decomposing rats can carry diseases. If you’re unable to find or safely remove the rat, you might need to contact a pest control professional.

C. Clean the Area: After removing the rat, thoroughly clean and disinfect the area. Use a mixture of water and bleach or a commercial disinfectant to ensure all contaminants are eliminated.

D. Check for Residual Odors: Sometimes, the smell of decay can linger even after the body is removed. Use odor neutralizers or air purifiers to help eliminate any remaining smell.

E. Seal Entry Points: Ensure all potential entry points that rats could use to get into your home are sealed. This helps prevent future infestations.

F. Inspect for Other Issues: Make sure there aren’t other dead animals or nesting sites that could be attracting flies. Also, address any potential sources of food or water that might be attracting pests.

G. Monitor and Treat Fly Problem: Use fly traps or fly baits to help control the fly population. Make sure to follow any instructions for safe and effective use.

Consider calling Go Green Pest Control @ 778-886-4111 – a professional pest control service for addressing any ongoing pest issues.

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

The Bald Faced Hornet – The Repeating Stingers

Bald-faced hornets have smooth stingers, so they can sting repeatedly and the venom can cause a life threating situation. These hornets are notable for their large nests, defensive behavior, and extremely painful stings. While they are beneficial as predators of other insects, their presence near human habitation can pose risks, particularly for those allergic to their stings. It’s important to exercise caution and seek the help of Go Green Pest Control Corp – Randy Bilesky BScF CPA RPF and his team of professionals, to help for nest removal if necessary to avoid confrontation with these aggressive insects.

Nest Size and Structure:

  • Nest Size: Bald-faced hornet nests can vary in size but are typically large, reaching up to 14 inches in diameter or more. They are usually pear-shaped and constructed from paper-like material made from chewed wood fibers mixed with saliva.
  • Colony Size: A mature colony can contain anywhere from a few hundred to over a thousand hornets, depending on factors like food availability and environmental conditions.

Life Cycle and Queens:

  • Queen Production: Towards the end of the summer, new queens and male drones are produced in the colony. These new queens mate with males and then leave the nest to overwinter in protected locations. The remaining colony members, including the workers and old queen, typically do not survive the winter.

Behavior and Defense:

  • Aggression: Bald-faced hornets are known for their defensive behavior and can be aggressive when their nest is disturbed. They will vigorously defend their nest by stinging repeatedly if they perceive a threat.
  • Sting: The sting of a bald-faced hornet is painful and can cause significant reactions in people who are allergic to insect stings. It injects venom that can cause swelling, pain, and in severe cases, allergic reactions that may require medical attention.

Importance in Ecosystem:

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

So What’s The Big Deal About Rats and Mice Anyway, They Are Just Fuzzy Four Legged Creatures Right RIGHT!!!

Rats and mice can cause significant damage annually, especially in urban and agricultural areas. Estimating the exact financial damage caused by mice and rats globally each year is challenging due to the wide range of factors involved, including varying environments, types of infrastructure affected, and methods of estimation. However, several studies and reports provide some insights into the economic impact:

  1. Agricultural Damage: Rats and mice consume and contaminate crops, leading to substantial losses in agricultural productivity. They can destroy stored grain and other food products, affecting both farmers and food distribution networks. Rodents such as rats and mice are known to damage crops, especially grains and stored food products. According to estimates from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, rodents cause significant losses to food crops worldwide, impacting both production and post-harvest storage.
  2. Infrastructure Damage: Rodents can chew through wiring, insulation, and structural materials in homes, businesses, and vehicles. This not only causes direct damage but can also pose fire hazards due to exposed wiring. Repair and replacement costs for such damage can be substantial, especially in urban areas.
  3. Health Impacts: Rats and mice are carriers of various diseases, including hantavirus, salmonella, and leptospirosis. These diseases can affect humans directly through contact with rodent urine, feces, or bites, or indirectly through contaminated food and water sources.
  4. Economic Costs: The economic impact of rodent damage includes costs for pest control services, healthcare expenses due to rodent-borne illnesses, and losses in productivity across various sectors.
  5. Pest Control Expenditures: Businesses and households spend considerable amounts on pest control services and products to manage rodent infestations. These costs include purchasing traps and baits, and implementing preventive measures, OF WHICH RARELY WORK AS RETAIL STORES ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SELL POISONS ANY MORE, rather hiring Go Green Pest Control Corp, real professionals is the only real option.
  6. Indirect Costs: Indirect costs include loss of productivity, reduced property values in infested areas, and impacts on tourism and hospitality industries.

While specific global figures for the financial damage caused by rodents can vary, studies suggest that the cumulative economic impact is substantial. For instance, in Canada alone, the economic losses due to rodents have been estimated in the billions of dollars annually when considering crop damage, infrastructure repair, healthcare expenses, and pest control efforts.

Randy Bilesky

Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

President at Go Green

July 23, 2024

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

How does insecticides work on insects.

Insecticides, for an example permethrin, is a synthetic insecticide that works primarily by disrupting the nervous system of insects. Here’s how it functions:

  1. Neurotoxin: Permethrin targets sodium channels in nerve cells, causing prolonged opening. This leads to continuous nerve firing, resulting in paralysis and death. These refer to a substance that disrupts the normal functioning of the nervous system. In the case of permethrin, it primarily affects sodium channels in nerve cells, leading to:
  1. Prolonged Nerve Activation: It causes nerves to fire continuously, resulting in paralysis.
  2. Disruption of Signal Transmission: This interferes with the insect’s ability to move, feed, and ultimately survive.

Overall, neurotoxins like permethrin are effective in controlling pest populations by targeting their nervous systems directly.

  1. Contact and Ingestion: Insects can be affected by direct contact with permethrin or by ingesting it when feeding on treated surfaces.
  2. Broad-spectrum Activity: It is effective against a wide range of pests, including mosquitoes, ticks, and various agricultural insects.
  3. Residual Activity of Permethrin refers to its ability to remain effective on treated surfaces over time. Here are key points about this property:
  4. Longevity: Permethrin can provide protection for days to weeks after application, depending on environmental conditions.
  5. Surface Stability: It adheres well to surfaces like fabrics, plants, and buildings, maintaining efficacy even after exposure to weathering.
  6. Continued Protection: This residual effect allows for ongoing control of pests, reducing the need for frequent reapplications.
  7. Application Methods: Commonly used in sprays, treated clothing, and agricultural applications to ensure long-lasting pest management.

This residual activity makes insecticides a valuable tool in pest control strategies.

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

In Delta, several pests can cause significant damage to homes. Here are some of the most destructive ones.

  1. Termites: Particularly the Eastern subterranean termite, which can damage wooden structures and foundations.
  2. Carpenter Ants: These ants hollow out wood for nesting, which can weaken wooden structures.
  3. Powderpost Beetles: These beetles infest and damage hardwood and can weaken furniture and structural wood.
  4. Rats and Mice: Rodents can chew through insulation, wiring, and wood, leading to structural damage and fire hazards.
  5. Woodpeckers: While not a pest in the traditional sense, they can peck holes in siding and roofing in search of insects.
  6. Cockroaches: They can contaminate food and surfaces, leading to health issues, though they are not structurally destructive.
  7. Squirrels: They can gnaw on wires, insulation, and wood, leading to damage and potential fire hazards.
  8. Silverfish: They can damage paper products, books, and clothing, though they are less destructive than other pests.

Taking preventive measures and addressing infestations quickly can help minimize damage from these pests.…destructive-ones

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Dealing with rats in your crawl space and furnace room can be challenging, but here are some steps you can take to address the issue:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for gaps or holes where rats could enter. Seal these openings with steel wool, caulk, or other materials.
  2. Remove Food Sources: Ensure that all food is stored in sealed containers and that there are no pet foods or garbage left accessible.
  3. Declutter: Remove clutter in the crawl space and surrounding areas that could provide hiding places for rats.
  4. Set Traps: Use snap traps or electronic traps in areas where you’ve noticed rat activity. Place them along walls and near entry points.
  5. Bait Stations: If necessary, consider using bait stations with rodenticide, but follow local regulations and safety guidelines.
  6. Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly clean the area to discourage rats from returning. Keep vegetation trimmed and remove debris outside your home.
  7. Professional Help: If the problem persists, consider hiring Go Green Pest Control who can assess the situation and provide effective solutions.
  8. Monitor: Keep an eye on the traps and signs of activity to ensure that the problem is being resolved.

Taking these steps can help you manage and eliminate the rat issue effectively.…ddress-the-issue

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Why are carpenter ants all around the outside of our housing complex and indoors as well?

Carpenter ants can be found both outside and inside buildings for several reasons:

  1. Nesting Behavior: Carpenter ants typically nest in wood, and they prefer moist or decaying wood. If your housing complex has any areas with damp wood or structural issues (like leaks), these ants may find it attractive for nesting.
  2. Foraging: Ants forage for food sources, such as sugary substances, crumbs, or other organic matter. If there are food sources around your housing complex that ants can access easily, they will continue to return.
  3. Weather and Seasonal Patterns: During certain times of the year, especially in warmer weather, ants may become more active and visible as they search for food and expand their colonies.
  4. Entry Points: Ants can enter buildings through tiny cracks, gaps around doors and windows, or even utility lines. Once inside, they may establish satellite nests if conditions are suitable.
  5. Colony Size and Expansion: Carpenter ant colonies can be quite large, containing thousands of workers. If the population grows, you may notice more ants indoors and around the complex.

To manage carpenter ants effectively, it’s important to identify and eliminate their nesting sites and food sources. This might involve fixing leaks, repairing damaged wood, sealing entry points, and practicing good sanitation to reduce available food. If the infestation is severe, Go Green Pest Control services may be necessary to safely and effectively eliminate the ants.…-indoors-as-well