Do to continue Government pressures, north American car companies are “going green” by using biodegradable components to build their cars. Unfortunately for many car owners this has come at a cost: the expensive repair bill resulting from rodents chewing the wire coatings and other electrical parts under the hood!
Randy Bilesky of Go Green Pest Control in Delta talks about rats getting under the hood and what preventative measures car owners can take to stop it.
Randy’s Recommendations:
1) Place a bag of moth balls in the engine compartment and interior of the vehicle.
2) Spray a hot pepper based spray around the vehicle and the engine.
3) Obtain an electronic pest deterrent sonic noise maker like the Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller Commercial Triple Speaker Model Repels Rodents, Rats & Mice. By Innovative Rodent Repeller
4) Live rodent traps
5) Do not place bait stations near the vehicle as the rodent may use your vehicle as a final resting place.