Monthly Archive December 3, 2021

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Sugar Ant Infestation

Sugar ants are attracted to fruit, sweets, spills, stains, other food  and are usually found in your kitchen, pantry, and food containers. So how did you get them inside? Well they can bubble up from sandy soils or

sometimes sugar ants are not content to only live outside and they invade and become bothersome situation for homeowners. These ants can gnaw through paper, cardboard, or even plastic containers to feed on and pollute food that they are in. When you have these guys they attract other pests, such as spiders and centipedes, into homes. They don’t sting but they do bite when disturbed, the bites are not painful but can cause allergic reactions.  

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Thatching Ants

Some ants are common and harmless, but others can be treacherous and you need to get them out of your home. Thatching ants may seem like trivial insect but they can be very challenging. They are drawn to moisture (like almost every insect), and their nests are usually found near flowerbeds that have mulch. Pet food and plants in containers attract these ants. Once they make a nest around your home, they will soon move indoors. Thatching ants can damage your home in a similar to carpenter ants. But not only can they damage to your landscaping and home they also bite and sting, causing pain that is itchy, swelling, redness around bite. And in some people, potentially an allergic reaction.