There are a lot of places around your home that wasps and hornets would like to nest. They are beneficial to the environment by cutting down on unnecessary bug populations, such as caterpillars, flies and beetle larvae, and many more insects around your home. If you’re worried about them disturbing your outdoor activities here is what you can do. Hose down any shrubs close to your party site, the wasps will think it’s a storm and this will reduce their activity. Remove any rotting fruit from nearby trees as well as the fruit on the ground. Wasps love nesting in sunny areas, so make sure the sunny side of your house has all cracks filled, including in your flashing, eaves and chimney.
Baking Soda Can Kill Rats cause they cant burp. Apparently rats aren’t able to burp but they can pass gas and caffeine is harmful so give them your coffee.
Rats are very aggressive, well not true – only to other rats.
Rats cause diseases, well they carry fleas etc. that actually are the transmitter of the diseases.
Rats aren’t good pets, Norway and roof rats are wild animals but fancy rats are bred for being pets.
Rats are dirty, but rat’s personal hygiene is on par with that of a domesticated cats or dogs.
Rats eat anything and everything – almost true indeed.
Rats grow as large as cats, there are some species of rats in the world that are huge but not our local ones.
Rats smell bad – its actually their urine that reeks.
Rats don’t show affection – they are actually social animals, the same as domesticated animals.
Cats control the rat population – only feral cats are real good at this one.
Have you been noticing more flies than usual during this winter? Flies usually travel to sun-exposed sides of buildings in the late summer and enter your home through any available crack or opening. They survive winter in the adult stage by taking shelter indoor and are in a suspended state of development known as diapause ; they neither feed nor reproduce so they will either leave on their own or die without reproducing. When it starts to become warmer outside, these flies will come out from hiding behind walls and fly about your home. The cluster flies don’t develop on garbage rather they are parasites of earthworms. Cluster fly control can be difficult because it can take a lot of work to prevent them from entering a home.
How can you tell what kind of rodent is infesting your Delta property? With so many different kinds of mice and rats out there, sometimes it is hard to know – so here is the break down for the order of the four most common rodents in Delta.
#1 Norway rats are very surreptitious and can enter a structure through openings larger than 11 mm. They are treacherous because they can cause damage to your property and are carriers of diseases.
#2 House Mice. They can breed rapidly – 35 babies a year, and quickly adapt to changing conditions. These mice are threats because they can bring fleas, mites, ticks and lice into a home.
#3Roof Rats. These types of rats are most commonly found on upper parts of buildings and trees. Roof rats have been known to carry fleas and diseases like the bubonic plague.
#4 Deer Mice. Deer mice are usually found in rural areas and they are known to carry the Hantavirus.