Monthly Archive January 9, 2020

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF


The firebrat is a small hexapod (six legs) that are grayish-brown and have a body that is tapered from front to back and is somewhat carrot-shaped. They prefer high temperatures and require some humidity so they are often seen near boilers, dryers, ovens, attics, hot water heaters and furnaces. They feed on a wide variety of carbohydrates and starches that are also protein sources such as dog food, flour and book bindings. They do not have wings, but move around by running rapidly. Often confused for silverfish, firebrats are a different species and generally prefer warmer habitats than silverfish. Infestations usually begin when infested books, papers, cardboard boxes, shipping cartons or furniture are brought into the home. If firebrats become a problem, seek the help of a pest control pro. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Toys in the Attic – Or is it Pests

Ok, you keep your house clean and uncluttered, you maintain the your yard and nothing is overgrown or touching your house. Repairs are always made to any holes and cracks in walls, windows and screens. So why is it that you still get pest in your attic. Not only can pests keep you up at night, but they can cause property damage and health problems. So here are a few pests that like to use your attic as a hotel. Squirrels love to build nests in attics, especially in breeding season. They also leave behind, body dust, feces and urine, which can cause damage or transmit disease. Bats live in colonies and once they discover attic they usually stick around all year. Bats can carry diseases and their feces can cause illness. Mice and rats also carry many diseases and like to urinate and defecate everywhere they go. These rodents also like to chew through wood, siding, wires and drywall. Once a raccoons gets on a roof they typically sneak through soffit material or roofing materials. Raccoons leave behind waste, carry disease and may cause damage to your home. Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

2020 – Year of the Rat

In the Chinese zodiac calendar, the rat is the first of the 12-year cycle of animals. And it looks like 2020 will really be the year of the rat based on the number of inquires we have had about rats in the attic, crawl space and infesting structures. Chinese legend states that rats are shrewd, fast thinkers; efficacious, but contented with living a quiet and passive life. The rat is also linked with the Earthly Branch (an ordering system used throughout East Asia) and the midnight hours. The Rat is the  yang of yin and yang and represents the beginning of a new day. In Chinese culture, rats were seen as a sign of wealth and surplus, although it is pretty much opposite here. Because of their reproduction rate, married couples also prayed to them for children. ‎ Tsawwassen Delta Ladner B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Edible Insects – Entomophagy

Insect, those edible ones, are chocked full of protein, vitamins, amino acids and they are Popeye like spinach -loaded with calcium and iron. Insects such as beetles, caterpillars, grasshoppers, locusts, crickets and ants are a nutrient-dense food. There are over 2,000 edible insect species currently available and these insects are eaten around the world. Edible insect consumption is called entomophagy: eating insects such as eggs, larvae, pupae and adults, are harvested from forests or other suitable habitats. Edible insect farming is relatively easy compared to animal farming, as insect farming needs less soil, water, and feed. Edible insect production will continue to increase as the world’s resources are diminish, food scarcity continues and the world population continues to grow. ‎ Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Rabies in Skunks and Raccoons

Any warm-blooded mammal can carry or contract rabies, but the main carriers are raccoons, skunks and bats. While it’s often thought that raccoons and skunks are “carriers” of rabies, they can only transmit the virus to another animal when they are rabid. Because most pets are vaccinated, wildlife account for over 90 percent of all reported rabies cases. Rabies is an infectious disease that affects the central nervous system in mammals and is only transmitted through the saliva, not blood, airborne (smelly skunk spray), urine or feces of an infected animal. In the “furious” form, animals may appear to be agitated, bite or snap at imaginary and real objects, appearing drunk or excessively wobbly, circling, seeming partially paralyzed or acting disorientated and drool excessively. If a raccoon or skunk, is active during the day and exhibiting abnormal behavior then it may have rabies. Tsawwassen Ladner Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

ByRandy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF

Our Raccoons – Procyon lotor – Dog Like Washer

Raccoons are typically unsociable creatures except for breeding season which happens now and into February, as they are not true hibernators . Males will travel quite the distance in search of females in heat, mating with several females yet once the mating is done they have no part of the rearing of the offspring. The pregnant female will den up in a tree cavity, under a porch, a culvert, chimney, attics and crawlspaces. Within two weeks of being born, the cubs are furry with the bandit masked faces. By ten weeks the cubs are weaned and soon begin foraging with the mother. They normally stay together until the following breeding season. They are normally nocturnal although they will search for food during the day, depending on the need for food. Raccoons are omnivores (eat everything) with four types of teeth necessary for their diverse diet of worms, slugs, insects, frogs, snails, berries and garden vegetables.…-dog-like-washer/ Tsawwassen Ladner Delta B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF