As spring comes to a close and summer travel season begins, you are reminded about Bed Bug Awareness Week begins which serves as an important reminder that bed bugs can wreak havoc if brought home after traveling. Bed bugs are one of the most common pests, a 9 percent increase in people reporting bed bugs from just April to May, 2019. Bed bugs can be found anywhere, whether it be a 4-star hotel or a fishing camp as they don’t care where their next blood feast comes from, and many people usually transport bed bugs with them back to their homes without even knowing they’re doing so. Here are some tips to avoid bringing home any bed bugs this travel season. Thoroughly inspect the entire room before unpacking, pull back sheets and inspect the mattress seams for telltale stains or spots, vacuum and inspect suitcases and all your gear after returning from a vacation and if you get a bed bug infestation seek professional pest control assistance as bed bugs are not a do-it-yourself pest.
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