The firebrat is a small hexapod (six legs) that are grayish-brown and have a body that is tapered from front to back and is somewhat carrot-shaped. They prefer high temperatures and require some humidity so they are often seen near boilers, dryers, ovens, attics, hot water heaters and furnaces. They feed on a wide variety of carbohydrates and starches that are also protein sources such as dog food, flour and book bindings. They do not have wings, but move around by running rapidly. Often confused for silverfish, firebrats are a different species and generally prefer warmer habitats than silverfish. Infestations usually begin when infested books, papers, cardboard boxes, shipping cartons or furniture are brought into the home. If firebrats become a problem, seek the help of a pest control pro.
gogreenpestcontrol.ca insectandrodentexterminators.com Delta Ladner Tsawwassen B.C., Randy Bilesky BsF CPA RPF
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